How to Have Infinite Power(?)

recursive : 재귀적인

Quiz: Factorial

bucket = {}

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        if not n in bucket:
            bucket[n] = n*factorial(n-1)
        return bucket[n]

print factorial(6)
#>>> 1

print factorial(5)
#>>> 120

print factorial(10)
#>>> 3628800

쓸수 있으면 항상 메모이제이션을 쓰자! 더 잘 쓰는 방법이 있을텐데;

Quiz: Palindromes

팩토리얼을 응용해 회문여부를 확인한다.

# Define a procedure is_palindrome, that takes as input a string, and returns a
# Boolean indicating if the input string is a palindrome.

# Base Case: '' => True
# Recursive Case: if first and last characters don't match => False
# if they do match, is the middle a palindrome?

def is_palindrome(s):
    if s == '':
        return True
    elif s[0] == s[-1]:
        return is_palindrome(s[1:-1])
        return False

print is_palindrome('')
#>>> True
print is_palindrome('abab')
#>>> False
print is_palindrome('abba')
#>>> True

Quiz: Bunnies(fibonacci)

# Define a procedure, fibonacci, that takes a natural number as its input, and
# returns the value of that fibonacci number.

# Two Base Cases:
#    fibonacci(0) => 0
#    fibonacci(1) => 1

# Recursive Case:
#    n > 1 : fibonacci(n) => fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

bucket = {}
def fibonacci(n):
    if n < 2:
        return n
        if not n in bucket:
            bucket[n] = fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
        return bucket[n]

# 근데 시발 옛날이었으면..
# 더많이 알게 됐는데 더 바보가 된 느낌..

def past_fibo(n):
    current = 0
    after = 1
    for i in range(0,n):
        current, after = after, current + after
    return current

# print fibonacci(0)
# #>>> 0
# print fibonacci(1)
# #>>> 1
# print fibonacci(2)
# #>>> 1
# print fibonacci(3)
# #>>> 2
# print fibonacci(4)
# #>>> 3
# print fibonacci(5)
# #>>> 5
print fibonacci(40)

Quiz: Relaxation Algorithm

# -> Start with guess
# while not done:
#     make the guess better

popularity(timeStep, person) => score
timeStep = 0(default)

def popularity(t,p):
    if t == 0:
        return 1
        score = 0
        for f in friends(p):
            score = score + popularity(t-1,f)
        return score

# Is this a good recuresive definition?

Ranking Web Pages

# Modify the crawl_web procedure so that instead of just returning the 
# index, it returns an index and a graph. The graph should be a 
# Dictionary where the key:value entries are:

#  url: [list of pages url links to] 

def crawl_web(seed): # returns index, graph of outlinks
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    graph = {}  # <url>:[list of pages it links to]
    index = {} 
    while tocrawl: 
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            content = get_page(page)
            add_page_to_index(index, page, content)
            outlinks = get_all_links(content)

            graph[page] = outlinks

            union(tocrawl, outlinks)
    return index, graph

cache = {
   '': """<html>
<h1>Dave's Cooking Algorithms</h1>
Here are my favorite recipes:
<li> <a href="">Hummus Recipe</a>
<li> <a href="">World's Best Hummus</a>
<li> <a href="">Kathleen's Hummus Recipe</a>

For more expert opinions, check out the 
<a href="">Nickel Chef</a> 
and <a href="">Zinc Chef</a>.

   '': """<html>
<h1>The Zinc Chef</h1>
I learned everything I know from 
<a href="">the Nickel Chef</a>.
For great hummus, try 
<a href="">this recipe</a>.


   '': """<html>
<h1>The Nickel Chef</h1>
This is the
<a href="">
best Hummus recipe!


   '': """<html>
Kathleen's Hummus Recipe

<li> Open a can of garbanzo beans.
<li> Crush them in a blender.
<li> Add 3 tablespoons of tahini sauce.
<li> Squeeze in one lemon.
<li> Add salt, pepper, and buttercream frosting to taste.


   '': """<html>
The Arsenic Chef's World Famous Hummus Recipe

<li> Kidnap the <a href="">Nickel Chef</a>.
<li> Force her to make hummus for you.


   '': """<html>
Hummus Recipe

<li> Go to the store and buy a container of hummus.
<li> Open it.



def get_page(url):
    if url in cache:
        return cache[url]
        return None

def get_next_target(page):
    start_link = page.find('<a href=')
    if start_link == -1: 
        return None, 0
    start_quote = page.find('"', start_link)
    end_quote = page.find('"', start_quote + 1)
    url = page[start_quote + 1:end_quote]
    return url, end_quote

def get_all_links(page):
    links = []
    while True:
        url, endpos = get_next_target(page)
        if url:
            page = page[endpos:]
    return links

def union(a, b):
    for e in b:
        if e not in a:

def add_page_to_index(index, url, content):
    words = content.split()
    for word in words:
        add_to_index(index, word, url)

def add_to_index(index, keyword, url):
    if keyword in index:
        index[keyword] = [url]

def lookup(index, keyword):
    if keyword in index:
        return index[keyword]
        return None

index , graph = crawl_web('') 

if '' in graph:
    print graph['']
#>>> ['',

이코드들 완벽하게 이해하고 다음장으로 넘어가자!

results matching ""

    No results matching ""